Author: Chien-Hui Chiu, Taiwan Young Power Society

Guess one thing the Nazis and China have in common. The Olympics.

The propaganda of a better China has been thrown out throughout the news network of the world: the new China will strive toward peace, will understand the differences between conflicting groups, will support human rights, will save the environment. "One world, one dream" they call out, as they ironically increase the missiles pointed at Taiwan, oppress the democratic bid for UN entrance of a country they do not own, as they reinforce the troops in Tibetan, and children continue to die in thousands in sweat shops.

It is obvious that Olympics won’t help any of that. At least it didn’t help the Nazis.

The 1936 Olympics was propaganda for the Nazis. They organized the event such that the attendance of other nations became an acknowledgment to their reign, the loosing up of criticism and economic restrictions a boost to their power and resources, and what did it all end up to? The holocaust of the Jews.

China today, is obviously doing the same.

What’s more….WE ARE THE JEWS.

Back then in 1936, the Jews were indecisive regarding whether they should attend the Olympics. When they finally decided to march down to the stadium, they were relieved to find that they were received warmly. Within a few years, they were again received…with warm blood. Today, in 2008, are we going to make the same indecisive mistake? When the blows of China come raining down after they gain positive reputation throughout the world, who can we blame but our own stupidity of helping the tiger grow up?

The sweet words of peace came out easily from Hitler. In fact, ironically, the Olympic symbols of brotherhood, the Olympic Flag and Olympic torch relay, were invented under the order of Hitler himself to promote the Third Reich. China is now coating its deeds with the same honey; will we be lured?

While China is threatening Taiwan with its military, and boycotting Taiwan around the globe, it is downright insane for the Taiwanese to enter the Olympics, not to mention by the insulting name of Chinese Taipei. The sad thing is, hardly anybody in Taiwan realizes this at all and joins the big party while the hosts pull guns at our heads.

Stop focusing on the torch relay, for the sake of our land, and let’s rise together to boycott the Beijing Olympics.

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